Founded in 1995
We have created a unique team work system of how to be useful to our country every day. Moving along, we try to join the efforts of lots of like-minded people and embrace the world.
News / events
We never stop learning. We pass on knowledge to others. And we do it best at our Media Mobility Hub, schools and training workshops.
Media education / education outreach
We know where to seek quality media expertise and how to protect the right to the profession. The National Press Club and the Independent Media Council are the platforms for joint action.
Self-regulation / co-regulation
We have developed programs aimed at building resilience to stress for journalists and “anti-burnout” in media corporations’ daily practice.
Mental health / corporate communications
We are fostering a debate culture in Ukraine by promoting quality online debates. The main goal is to find answers to key questions regarding the country’s effective transformation by engaging young audiences and using the new media’s broad tools.
Media culture / online debate
We can share how to combat information manipulations, aggressive disinformation and avoid getting trapped in a vast array of news by promptly and correctly verifying information from open sources, and identifying virus campaigns by bot farms and trolls.
Digital rights and security / e-governance
We promote modern opportunities for media markets and media business. Aggregation and acceleration, neural networks and next-generation AI solutions for journalism.
Format 21 / AI development
We support the National Broadcaster that works according to quality journalistic standards and belongs to Ukrainian society, being accountable to it and defending national interests and democratic values.
Promoting the public broadcasting system