We are delighted to share that our psychological support program for journalists is actively working, and we are launching a special project: Mental Support for ReMedia.
The main goal of the special project is to provide professional psychological assistance to Ukrainian journalists who have worked or are working with traumatic content related to Russia’s war against Ukraine. Specifically, the project aims to support newsroom teams in developing a culture of caring for the mental health of journalists who have been forced to leave their places of permanent residence due to the war.
Who can apply? Relocated media; Internally displaced representatives of newsroom teams (IDPs); As well as other representatives of regional media working with traumatic content (covering news related to war and the regional context).
During the program, there is an opportunity to receive free psychological assistance from certified professionals and comprehensive support, which includes four components: – Diagnosis; – Training; – Individual consultations; – and recovery events for journalists. You can apply for free support on the program’s website: support4media.com
During the program’s operation, nearly 20 newsroom teams have been supported, over 300 media workers have undergone psychological diagnostics, and more than 1000 hours of individual consultations have been conducted.
We are grateful for the trust of everyone who has joined the program, and we will be happy to provide support to every media worker in need!
Program organizers: the Souspilnist Foundation in cooperation with BrainCult mental health center, with the support of Media Development Fund US Embassy in Ukraine