The Souspilnist Foundation team is implementing novel programs to expand cross-sectoral innovative partnerships between media practitioners and “non-format” participants in the communication sector, creating and combining new creative products and synthesized “transport” of promotion, particularly in the youth environment. This is necessary for media and information literacy projects in Ukraine.
Ukrainians’ resilience to disinformation and manipulation is crucial for protecting the state and building a successful country during wartime and in the post-war period. One such protection is media and information literacy, which requires mastering relevant skills throughout life. This year, the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy, together with the Filter project, presented a strategy for the development of media literacy until 2026. The work lasted over a year, and its goal is to strengthen the resilience of the population of Ukraine to disinformation influences and promote responsible media consumption. The leadership synergy of actions between NGOs and the institutional capacities of the state will help strengthen the cognitive resilience of Ukrainians in challenging times.