Contact info
6/29 Akademika Romodanova (Puhachova) Street, office 45
Kyiv 04050, Ukraine


+38 044 483 03 72
+38 044 483 57 33

Insure with us!

The Souspilnist Foundation team, together with partners, announces the relaunch of the journalist insurance program for those embarking on work assignments in dangerous territories!

The International Journalist Insurance Fund continues its work, offering significant support for many media professionals in wartime! In the past, we assisted 300 applicants, offering nearly 900 days of insurance coverage for our colleagues. The insurance amount is up to $100,000.

 Follow the link to submit an application:

Protect yourself by getting insured!

The Souspilnist Foundation is grateful for the reliable cooperation of AIRPU, Detector MediaCenter for Democracy and Rule of LawInstitute of Mass Information (IMI)Regional Press Development Institute (RPDI), who initiated this important initiative at the beginning of the full-scale war.

The project is implemented by the Association of Independent Regional Publishers of Ukraine (AIRPU) with financial support from the European Centre for Press and Media Freedom ECPME, Federal Foreign Office, and Voices of Ukraine as part of the Hannah-Arendt-Initiative.