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6/29 Akademika Romodanova (Puhachova) Street, office 45
Kyiv 04050, Ukraine


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+38 044 483 57 33

The eight-hour Saturday intensive workshop at the Media Mobility Hub is complete!

The intensity was off the charts, as was the number of esteemed coaches. We shared knowledge and experience with our Hub members. In particular, Kateryna Fedotenko, a well-known television journalist, spoke about the work of journalists in the context of full-scale invasion, her experiences during the first days of the war, and the importance of supporting one another in the newsroom.

Continuing on the topic of full-scale invasion, Dmytro Tuzov, a media analyst at the Souspilnist Foundation and host at Radio NV, conducted a special training session on working in frontline regions and introduced the necessary equipment for war correspondents.

To avoid panicking in difficult situations, Ihor Kanchalaba, an instructor from the “Continent” center, conducted a masterclass on pre-medical training.  

We couldn’t skip the trending topic of podcasts and storytelling on social media. Olga Kruhliy, a journalist, communications specialist, and podcast producer, shared tips and tricks for creating audio and video projects.

Ihor Rozkladay, deputy head of CEDEM, talked about algorithms and content, sharing insights on how to talk about the war online and how to defeat the enemy on social media.

The program is implemented with the support from the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through the “Media Program, Internews in Ukraine ” project, carried out by the international organization Internews Network.