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6/29 Akademika Romodanova (Puhachova) Street, office 45
Kyiv 04050, Ukraine


+38 044 483 03 72
+38 044 483 57 33

Give yourself an evening of recovery!

We invite media representatives to the Mental Health Evening for Media! Mental Health Evening is an evening for you and your recovery. It’s an alternative for those who don’t have the time or opportunity for multi-day “retreats” but feel the need to spend a cozy evening among their peers.

We invite you to: – A yoga workshop “at the workplace”; – A discussion on the basics of trauma-informed communication with colleagues and stabilization; -Delicious treats

At the “workplace yoga” workshop, we offer a set of exercises that you can do during breaks at work to improve your well-being and strengthen yourself. These exercises don’t require a mat or sportswear: the main thing is you.

During the discussion on trauma-informed communication, we will cover basic principles of communicating with someone experiencing acute stress, as well as methods for stabilization. This is not about taking on the role of a psychotherapist, but about being able to support a colleague during a difficult time and creating psychological safety in the team.

Where? In the center of Kyiv, in the bright space of Generator

When? September 20 at 5:45 PM

Duration? Up to 2 hours

What is required to participate? Fill out the registration form at the following link:; Receive confirmation of your participation via email. Registration for the event is open until noon on September 20. 

Participation is free with prior registration and after receiving a confirmation email.

Event organizers: The Souspilnist Foundation in collaboration with the BrainCult Mental Health Center, as part of the “Media Program, Internews in Ukraine,” implemented by the international organization Internews.